Our Philosophy

Cedar Brook Early Learning Centre provides a safe, nurturing environment where children can develop emotionally, socially, physically, and cognitively through playful, hands-on experiences and meaningful interactions. The outdoors/ forest is an excellent place for children to develop strong situational and spatial awareness. We will spend as much of the day as possible outside, where they are provided with an optimal environment for early childhood development.

The outdoors offers an abundance of sensory experiences, more diverse gross and fine motor challenges, varied open ended materials, and endless opportunities for imaginative play, all of which are crucial to all areas of development. We bring material for discovery from nature back to the Centre. In addition, children will develop a sense of wonder and a deeper respect for our environment. Children are inherently curious and eager to learn; therefore, an Emergent curriculum model is used. Staff follow the children’s lead and base the curriculum on the children’s interests.

We seek out staff who are not only willing, but also eager to provide many opportunities for meaningful interactions. Staff and children learn and discover answers together through hands on experiences, experiments, and external resources. When children learn about what is meaningful and interesting to them, they gain a joy for learning that opens the door to lifelong learning. A schedule is followed to ensure a sense of predictability within the day, with room for changes based on children’s needs and interests.

Children are given ample unhurried opportunities to socialize, express emotions, create, play, ask questions, find answers as well as develop physical and self-help skills. Cedar Brook Early Learning Centre offers a brand-new building specifically designed for these purposes. It includes a large property, with ample woodland, a beautiful brook, a forest classroom, and gardens. Staff are always close by to provide children with gentle guidance and a sense of security. Children in our program gain self confidence, independence, respect for themselves, others, and the environment.

Safety is always a top priority at our centre so all activities are planned with appropriate considerations made around our site-specific safety policies. These policies include daily safety checks of field trip locations, weather conditions, appropriate clothing checks and well-trained CPR / First Aid Certified staff. We strive to develop strong partnerships with families to ensure that our program meets the needs of all children and families we serve. Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher, this makes them are our best resource for ensuring children’s individual needs are met.

Staff are trained professionals that are dedicated to the education and care of children, all while encouraging a harmonious relationship with nature. Cedar Brook educators work in a team driven environment that promotes open communication, opportunities for professional development as well as their input into decision making.